Kayla meets Patrick Scott, creator of the successful comic book series "Archangels." Mr. Scott is working on an animated feature film for the tween market, based on his first series of 9 books called "Archangels: The Saga." Interestingly, this comic book not only appeals to boys 10 and older, but also girls 8 and older. Kayla loves the illustrations, the story, and the quality of the comic and wants a "voice over" role in the feature film. Patrick says, "I have to give that some thought." Kayla became a fan of the epic after receiving copies from her dad who had met Mr. Scott years before and recently ran into him again. "I am really excited about the potential of the teen film and the uplifiting and dynamic message that is sure to make the 'tween' market more aware of eternal decisions and consequences," says Kayla's dad.
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